• 类型:二模试题 科目:英语试卷:word版
  • 答案:含答案
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    2013-05-08 17:28:14https://files.eduuu.com/ohr/2013/05/08/172757_518a1a9d8b923.rar


    Part 1   Listening

    I. A. Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片):  (6)

    1. Linda usually goes to the supermarket at weekends. (B)

    2. Look! Peter is listening to the music. How happy he is! (G)

    3. My cousin likes painting, and she has a painting lesson twice a week. (C)

    4. Mr. Stone and his wife often have a walk in the park after dinner. (D)

    5. In many places in China, the children go to school by school bus. (A)

    6. The man who is fishing in the boat is our new headmaster. (E)

    B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案):  (10)

    7. W: What kind of sports do you like best, Jack?

      M: I used to be interested in football. But now I prefer tennis. .    

      Q: What kind of sports did Jack use to like best?  (B)

    8. M: What can you see in the picture?

      W: We can see some flowers and trees.

      M: Good. Sit down, please. What else can we see?  

      Q: Where does the dialogue take place? (C )

    9. M: Has the train arrived?

      W: No. It will arrive in ten minutes. And it's four fifteen now.

      Q: What time will the train arrive? (D)

    10. M: Susan, did Jim attend the lecture yesterday?

       W: No, he didn't. He was ill.  

       M: Then you went to the lecture, didn't you?

       W: No. I asked Mary to attend it instead.  

       Q: Who attended yesterday's lecture?  (A)

    11. M: Would you like to get some bread or milk?

       W: Neither. I'd like some cake and fruit.

       M: Ok. Anything else?

       Q: What would she like to buy?  (D)

    12. M: What would you like to be when you grow up, Ann?

       W: I want to be a doctor. My parents are both doctors. How about you?

      M: I want to be an engineer.  

    Q: What is Ann's mother? (C)

    13. W: Who is younger, Bob or Jane?    

    M: Bob was born on October 9, 1995. And Jane was born in March, 1996.

    W: Oh, the same year with Judy, but she was born in January.   

    Q: When was Judy born?  (B)

    14.W: What do you usually do after school?

       M: I usually play volleyball with my friends, and after dinner I go to the library. What about you? 

       W: I usually go to the hobby group, and then do some homework.

       Q: What does the man usually do after dinner? (B)

    15. M: I'm going to Beijing for a holiday. 

    W: Great! How will you go there?  

    M: I'll take a train to Beijing, and then I'll travel by sightseeing bus around the city.

    W: You'd better fly back to Shanghai. It's faster.

    M: Good idea. 

    Q: How will the man come back to Shanghai?  (A)

    16. M: You seem very tired.        

       W: I didn't have much sleep last night.

       M: Why?

       W: It's my new job. I have to work hard.

       Q: Why is the woman tired?  (D)

    C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false (判断下列句子是否符合你听到的内容, 符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示):  (7)

    Mom woke me up at 6:00 in the morning. Though I didn't have enough sleep, I got up immediately because we were going to Grandma's. We started right after breakfast. My father drove the car and it took us twenty minutes to get there. I was glad to see grandma and grandpa and they were glad to see us. Grandma prepared a lot of delicious food for us. We enjoyed a nice lunch.

    We returned home in the afternoon. There was a football match on TV between Beijing and Shanghai. We cheered loudly for Shanghai team and they won.

    We had a simple supper and a quiet evening. Father said he would take us to the great flower show in the Century Park the next day.

           (17. T  18. F   19. F   20. T   21.T   22. F   23.T  )

    D. Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks (根据你听到的内容,完成下列句子,每空格限填一词): (7)

    Whales are large smart animals. They swim by moving their tails up and down. There are plenty of small and middle-sized whales. The smallest whale is 8.5 feet long. Among all the whales the blue whale is the largest, and it is also the largest animal in the world. It is larger than any of the dinosaurs were. 

    Millions of years ago, whales lived on land and walked on four legs. Today, whales still have small bones, but they can only be seen in the water. No one knows why whales left the land to live in the water.

    Whales are not fish. A whale will die just as a man will, if it stays under water too long. When a whale is under water, it closes its nose and holds its breath. When the whale rises to the surface and breathes, its hot breath produces a fountain of water that rises high in the air.


    (24.moving  25. 8.5  26. larger   27. four   28. water   29.die  30.high )

    Part II

    II.    31-50. B C A A D   C D A D B   D B B C B  A C D C A         

    III.  51-58. F A H D E C I B

    IV.  59. months      60. fifth      61. mine    62. carefully   

      63. development     64.inventor      65. dangerous   66. unusual 

    V.  67. don't, have       68. How, long      69. shall, we        70. was, taken

        71. so, that         72. how, to        73. if, don't

    Part III

    VI. Reading Comprehension.

    A) 74-79. B B C A D C

    B) 80-85. B C D C A B

    C) 86. same   87. gift   88. bad    89. medicine   90. full   91. finally  92. amazing

    D) 93. She felt sad/disappointed/unhappy.(Any reasonable answer can be accepted.)

      94. No, he didn't.

      95. Because he read a newspaper article about a man dealing with a serious disability.

       (Because he learned something about a man dealing with a serious disability from a newsaper.)

      96. When he was in Grade 7, he was elected captain of his school.

      97. He encourages others by sharing his story through motivational speaking.

      98. (Any reasonable answer can be accepted.)


    VII. Writing.












    7-8分     内容切题,意思连贯,表达清楚、完整。

    5-6分   内容基本切题,意思大致连贯,表达基本清楚、但不够完整。

    3-4分   内容不够切题,意思不够连贯,表达不够清楚、离题目要求较远。

    0-2分   文不对题,表达不清。




















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