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2017-08-24 08:49:21中考网编辑


  用法 举例
  1. 用与可数名词的单数形式前,指一类人或事物。 He is a boy.
  Pass me an apple, please.
  2. 泛指某人或某物,但不具体说明何人或何物。 A girl is waiting for you.
  We work six days a week.
  3. 表示“一”这个数量,但数的概念没有one强烈。 We are going to have an English lesson tomorrow.
  There’s a book on the desk.
  4. 用于表示身份或职业的名词前。 She wants to be a pilot when she grows up.
  5. 表示计量单位。 He drives at a speed of 80km an hour.
  6. 用于某些固定的词组中。 a few, a little, a lot of
  用法 举例
  1. 用在可数名词单数的前面,表示一类人或事物。 The bird lives in the tree.
  2. 指双方都知道的人或物。 —Where are the new books, Tom
  —They are on the small table.
  3. 指上文提过的人或物。 I’ve got a new pen. The pen is blue.
  4. 用在世界上独一无二的事物前。 The sun is bigger than the moon.
  5. 用在序数词或形容词最高级以及only前。 The first truck is carrying a few baskets.
  The third one is carrying the fewest of all.
  6. 用在由普通名词构成的专有名词前。 the Great Wall
  7. 用在江河、湖泊、山脉、群岛的名称前面。 the West Lakes
  8. 用在乐器前面。 play the guitar
  9. 用在姓氏的复数前面,表示夫妇两人或一家人。 the Greens
  10. 用在某些形容词前,表示一类人。 We should take good care of the old.
  11. 用在一些习惯用语中。 in the morning(afternoon,?evening),
  on the left(right), at the end of
  用法 举例
  1. 在专有名词前和不可数名词前。 China, Grade Two, Bill Smith, milk
  2. 名词前已有指示代词、物主代词、不定代词或名词所有格修饰时 。 The letter is in her pocket.
  3. 复数名词表示一类人或事物时。 My father and mother are teachers.
  4. 在星期、月份、季节、节日前。 Today is mid-autumn day.
  5. 在三餐饭和球类运动的名称前。 He went to school after breakfast.
  Can you play basketball
  1. 在某些固定词组中。例如:at home, by bus, go to school等名词前不用冠词。
  2. 有些中国传统乐器前不能加定冠词the。例如:
  erhu (二胡),pipa (琵琶),guzheng (古筝)
  3. 一日三餐前一般不加冠词,但是一日三餐被某个词所修饰时,一般要加不定冠词a或an。例如:
  a big breakfast, a quick supper
  4. 由festival构成的中国传统节日前需要加定冠词the。例如:
  the Spring Festival, the Dragon-boat festival
  5. 表示成套的东西时,两个并列的名词前只需要用一个不定冠词。例如:
  a shirt and tie, a knife and fork
  6. 一些短语中,有无冠词时的意义是不一样的。例如:
  in hospital (生病住院), in the hospital (在医院)
  go to university (上大学), go to the university (去大学)

