成都站 中考网-成都站


2018-02-06 13:50:23紫小涵



  I don’t think that a whale is a kind of fish.


  According to the fact, I don’t think that you are right.

  159. 你能同意那样做我很高兴。

  I am glad that you can agree to do that.

  160. 我想我们最好同意他的看法。

  I think we had better agree with them.

  161. 这台电脑占据了太多空间。

  This computer takes up too much space.

  162. 英国人喜欢谈论天气。

  English people like talking about the weather.

  163. 我们乐于谈及过去的时光。

  We enjoy talking of old times.

  164. 我后天想要呆在家里。

  I would like to stay at home the day after tomorrow.

  165. 前天,直到我做完了我的工作才回家的。

  I didn’t go home until I finished doing my work the day before yesterday.

  166. 我以前考虑要当一名工程师。

  I used to think of becoming an engineer.

  167. 建这座桥花了几千人几年时间。

  It took thousands of people a few years to build the bridge.

  168. 扔掉这些箱子是很浪费的。

  It’s wasteful to throw away these boxes.

  169. 天太黑,什么也看不见。

  It’s too dark to see anything.

  170. 我试穿一下这件外套你介意吗?

  Would you mind my trying on this coat?

  171. 尝试这个主意怎么样?

  How about trying out this idea?

  172. 请你把收音机调低一点好吗?

  Will you please turn down the radio?

  173. 没关系! That’s all right.

  174. 我一到伦敦就给你打电话。

  I will call you up as soon as I arrive in London.

  175. 这本书过去属于我的。

  This book used to belong to me.

  176. 我上学迟到了因为公共汽车坏了。

  I was late for school because the bus broke down.

  177. 我看见他闯入了。

  I saw him break in.

  178. 昨晚发生了一场火灾。

  A fire broke out last night.

  179. 到目前为止他已经培养了几百个孩子了。

  She has brought up hundreds of children so far.

  180. 他已建立起一个足球队。

  He has built up a football team.

  181. 我偶然听见她唱歌了。

  I heard her sing by accident.

  182. 顺便说一下,我介意抽烟。

  By the way, I mind smoking.

  183. 我想召集所有学生开个会。

  I would like to call in all the students to have a meeting.

  184. 我看见一些树叶落下来了。

  I saw some leaves come down.

  185. 我的新书已出版了。

  My new book has come out.

  186. 你的帐单共计40美元。

  Your bill comes to forty dollars.

  187. 太阳还没有升起来。

  The sun hasn’t come up yet.

  188. 我总是把睡觉与死亡比较。

  I always compare sleep to death.

  189. 我妈妈喜欢把我跟别人比较。

  My mother likes comparing me with others.

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