成都站 中考网-成都站


2018-02-06 13:49:59紫小涵


  102. 我们的健康与我们的饮食习惯相关联。

  Our health connects with our eating habits.

  103. 好的健康取决于好的食物、锻炼和足够的睡眠。

  Good health depends on good food, exercise and enough sleep.

  104. 他很累以至于在课上睡着了。

  He was so tired that he fell asleep in class.

  105. 他一到那儿就病倒了。

  He fell ill as soon as he got there.

  106. 换句话说,健康就是一切。

  In other words, health is everything.

  107. 吸烟对健康一点儿好处都没有。

  Smoking isn’t good for health at all.

  108. 他吃了很多垃圾食品以至于长胖了。

  He ate so much junk food that he put on weight.


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