成都站 中考网-成都站


2018-02-06 13:49:26紫小涵


  18. 我过去常常拜访我的朋友。

  I used to call on my friends.

  19. 明天我一到美国就给你打电话。

  I will call you up as soon as I arrive in America tomorrow.

  20. 我很高兴照顾我喜欢的人。

  I am glad to care for the people who I care for.

  21. 在我回家的路上,我碰见了我的老朋友。

  I came across my old friend on my way home.

  22. 每天直到我回来,我父母才睡觉。

  My parents don’t go to bed until I come back every day.

  23. 我恭喜你取得很大进步。

  I congratulate you on your great progress.

  24. 我们应该互相学习。

  We should learn from each other.

  25. 听说你现在过得很愉快,我很高兴。

  I am glad to hear that you enjoy yourself now.

  26. 我害怕与他相处不好。

  I am afraid to get on badly with him.

  27. 我和我的朋友们玩得很高兴。

  I have fun with my friends.

  28. 我很高兴收到你的来信。

  I am glad to hear from you.

  29. 我经常看见他匆匆忙忙的去上学。

  I often see him go to school in a hurry.

  30. 我很高兴我们相互有共同之处。

  I am glad that we have something in common with each other.

  31. 我很高兴你能信守诺言。

  I am glad that you can keep your word.

  32. 我刚才撞上了我的老朋友。

  I knocked into my old friend just now.

  33. 我的父母总是叫我别嘲笑别人。

  My parents always tell me not to laugh at others.

  34. 她总是一见到我就做鬼脸。

  She always makes a face as soon as she sees me.

  35. 他既不喜欢游泳也不喜欢跑步。

  He likes neither swimming nor running.

  36. 我过去常挨着他坐。

  I used to sit next to him.

  37. 他学习不如我努力。

  He doesn’t study so/as hard as I.

  38. 当然,我们应该与别人和睦相处。

  Of course, we should get on well with others.

  39. 我奶奶以前反反复复给我讲过这个故事。

  My grandmother used to tell me the story over and over again.


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