• 类型:二模试题 科目:英语试卷:word版
  • 答案:含答案
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    2013-05-08 17:22:58https://files.eduuu.com/ohr/2013/05/08/172234_518a195a6b390.rar



    Part I 

    I.  1-6   EDA  BCF

    II. 7-11  DCDBC   12-16 CBDDC

    III. 17-23  FTTFFTF

    IV. 24. English   25.radio   26. programs   27.online

     28. fast   29. talk    30. progress

    Part II

    V. 31—50

    VI.  51—58  DHFA   IBGC

    VII. 59. crowded    60. twentieth    61. Suddenly   62. frozen

      63. luck       64. singer       65. ability    66. Germans

    VIII.  67. at once/ right away  68. Why did              69. do they

               70.How fast                  71. better than           72. does read             73. was spent

    Part III

    IX.  (A) 74—79  CADDDB

    (B) 80—85  BAD   CBB

    (C) 86.opinions         87. strange/ surprising           88.addition            89. imagine

       90. shame            91. hardly              92. capital


    93. Just before midnight on July the 31st, 1997.

    94. Because they were worried that machines might hurt anyone (trapped )under the rubble

    95. (They found him )By using a special machine.

    96. Yes, he was.

    97. It took them nearly / about12 hours.

    98. It was exciting/ tough/...

    X.99. 略










    1、  下列情况均不给分:







    (一)   内容:

    7-8分    内容切题,意思连贯,表达清楚、完整。

    5-6分  内容基本切题,意思大致连贯,表达基本清楚,但不够完整。

    3-4分  内容不够切题,意思不够连贯,表达不够清楚,离题目要求较远。

    0-2分  文不对题,表达不清。























    Part 1  Listening (第一部分听力)

    I. Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片): (6)

    1.     Every morning people take their dogs for a walk in the park.

    2.     Look! Traffic policemen are busy working at the crossroads.

    3.     Jane got a lovely Teddy Bear from her parents.

    4.     Toni’s hair is a bit too long and he is having a haircut right now.

    5.     Students must read books quietly in the library. 

    6.     John had a great time in Japan last summer holiday.

    II. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案): (10)

    7.  W: Jack, how is your roommate Will? Is he still playing that silly game?

    M: Well, it’s not Will any more. He moved out last month. Now my mate is called Jerry, a student of King’s College.

    Q: Who is the man’s roommate now?

    8.  M: I am going to CoCo’s shop to get something to eat. What do you want?

    W: No, thanks. CoCo’s food is too sweet for me.

    Q: What does CoCo’s shop sell?

    9.  W: Have you got your school report, Tom?

    M: Yes. I did quite well in most subjects. A for math and physics, but I failed in history.

    Q: What subject is Tom not good at?

    10. M: Jane, you look tired. Go and take a rest.

    W: I have had a bad headache for a few days. I’d better go to see the doctor.

    Q: What will the woman do?

    11. M: Take a taxi home. You are not going to get on the bus with these two big shopping bags. It’s too crowded at the moment.

    W: You are right. I’ll take your advice.

    Q: How will the woman probably go back home?

    12.W: Ben, take the lunch box along with you. I have prepared your favorite sandwiches.

    M: Thanks. The school bus is coming. Bye.

    Q: What’s the possible relationship between the man and the woman?

    13. M: Look! Most things in Maisy Department Store are on sale now.

    W: I can’t believe it. The bag I bought last month was $240 and it’s only half the price now.

    Q: How much is the bag now?

    14.M: Look! Some people are planting trees over there. People always do that on March 12th.

    W: It’s good. Trees are very important to us. It can give us fresh air and shades.

    M: Yeah, I quite agree. Trees are also homes for birds and some other animals.

    Q: What are they talking about?

    15. W: We are going to see a film, Alan. Are you coming along?

    M: I am afraid I can’t. Mom doesn’t allow me to go out unless I finish the homework.

    Q: What does the man mean?

    16. M: There are boxes everywhere. Are you preparing Christmas presents?

    W: It’s a bit too early for that. I am using the boxes for my math teacher’s homework. I need to work out the best way to measure the height.

    Q: What will the woman use the boxes to do?

    III. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false (判断下列句子是否符合你听到的内容, 符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示): (7)

    Matt’s mother, Julie, is a doctor in a hospital in the USA. Hospitals are busy places. Every day people with broken legs, people who have had accidents, people who are sick and mothers who are having babies all come to the hospital. Often they stay in hospital for days, or even weeks, before they are well enough to leave. Staying in hospital for a long time can be very boring. Patients sleep in rooms called wards, and nurses look after them. A doctor visits them every day to see if they are well enough to go home.

    Most doctors in the hospitals look after just one type of patient. Julie looks after babies and small children who are sick. Sometimes she works in the daytime and sometimes at night. So, sometimes Matt doesn’t see his mum for a few days. She is working when he awake! When this happens, they write each other notes to say “Hi”! Matt’s father is a writer. He works from home. So he does all the cooking and the housework for the family. Matt is 14. He’s old enough to help with the housework. He also helps to look after his little sister, Shelly.

    IV. Listen to the dialogue and complete the following sentences (听对话,完成下列内容。

    每空格限填一词): (7

    M: Hello, Amy. You have been doing really well in English. You got top marks for the last test, well done!

    W: Thank you, Tom.

    M: How did you manage to do so well? Did you stay up all night to learn?

    W: Not a chance, I need my sleep. But I do find a good way to learn it well and it’s fun.

    M: That sounds very interesting! What is the secret?

    W: I have been listening to the radio. It really helps.

    M: Listening to the radio? How can that possibly help?

    W: Well, there are 4 programs I like listening to. All in English.

    M: I see. How did you find out about them?

    W: It was just luck. One day I was on my computer and I found a British radio website which allows people listen online, even so far away in China! I started to listen to a programme and I found that I could only understand a little bit.

    M: I don’t think I would understand much either. It must be very fast. Do you listen to music channels or talk channels?

    W: I prefer talk channels cause they give me better listening practice.

    M: Can you understand them better now?

    W: Well of course, progress is slow but yes. I can understand better than before.

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