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2023-08-24 21:02:22佚名

十三 、谈论天气情况

1、It is raining /blowing /snowing ,(isn‘t it ?)下雨了/刮风了/下雪了,(对吗?)

It is +adj ./n.(today ). 今天的天气...这类句子都是用来发表对天气的看法的.“It is +ady /n (today )”中间可用表述天气情况的形容词或名词,应答时可说:Yes ,it is .

2、What‘s the weather like today ?今天天气怎样?/ What’s the weather going to be like ...?天气将怎样?

这两个句型都是用来询问天气情况的.前者询问当天的天气后者询问未来的天气,在like 后加表示未来的时间状语(如tomorrow .the day after tomorrow )应答时可说:It‘s fine /warm /cold /hot ...或It’s going to be fine /warm/cold /hot ...

“What‘s the weather like ...?”也可以用“How is the weather...?”表达,其意思想同.

十四 、问路及应答的交际用语

Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to ...?劳驾,请告诉我去.....(地方)怎么走?/ Excuse me. Han can I get to...?劳驾,问怎样去.....(地方)?/ Excuse me, please, where is...?劳驾,请问去...的路怎么去?

问路时,首先说“Excuse me.”意思是“请原谅”、“请问”、“劳驾”,表示因为打扰而道歉,然后再问路,应答时可根据实际情况回答.常用的有以下几种表达:

How far is it from here?它离这里多远?/ It‘s about...meters from here. 它离这里大约...米远./ It’s about...yards/meters down this street./ Go straight ahead till you see...沿着这条街走约...米就到了./ Go straight ahead till you see... 照直走到...(地方)为止 ./ Go down/along this street. 沿着这条街走下去./ Take this street/road. 走这条街/大路./ Go through the gate and you‘ll find the entrance to...穿过大门,你就会看到...的几口处./ Go down/along this street till you get to ...沿着这条街走到...(地方)为止./ Turn right/left at the first/second crossing.在第一/二个十字路口向右/左转./ You’d better take a taxi/minibus/No. 5 bus...你最好坐出租车/乘小公共汽车 / 乘5路公共汽车.

十五 、就餐时的交际用语


Would you like sth.(to eat / to drink)?你想吃 / 喝点...吗?/ What would you like (to have)?你想要吃点什么?/ Would you like some more...?你还要点...吗?/ How about (some more) ...?(再)来点...怎么样?


Help yourself to...?你吃/喝点...吧./ Let me give you...?让我来人你...吧./ Make yourself at home. 请随便吃,不要客气.


Yes, please,好的.I‘d like...我想来点....Well, just a little, please. 好的,请来一点儿.


:No, thanks, 谢谢,不要了.Thank you , I‘ve had enough. 谢谢,我已经够了.I’m full, thank you. 谢谢,我吃饱了.



I‘m afraid I must be off/be going/be leaving now.恐怕我得走了./ I think I must be off/ be going/ be leaving now.我看我得走了./ Well, It’s getting late.噢,天已晚了./ I‘ve got to go now.现在我必须得走了./ Maybe we could get together sometime.也许我们什么时候还能再聚一聚.


Thank you for coming.多谢你的光临./ Yes, I‘ve enjoy it.对,我很开心./ My pleasure, too.这也是我的荣幸./ Could you stay a little longer?你能再呆一会儿吗?/ In that case, I won’t keep you.那么我就不留你了.


Good-bye!/ Be seeing you soon. Bye!/ Bye!/ Bye for now. / See you. / See you later. Bye-bye!再见!Good night.晚安!Have a pleasant journey!/ Wish you a pleasant journey.祝你旅途愉快!Don‘t forget to give me a ring.不要忘记给我来电话.Remember to give me a ring.记住给我来电话.


Good-bye!再见!/ Good night!晚安!You too. / Same to you.你也一样.So long. Take care.再见!保重.

十七、赞美和恭维及应答(Making Compliments and Responses)

It‘s beautiful. 真漂亮!/ That’s marvellous!真了不起!/ It‘s a lovely picture!多好看的照片!/ I’m glad you did...... 我很高兴你做了....../ I‘m pleased you did... 我很兴奋你做了....../ How clever of you!你好聪明哦!/ I like the way you did...... 我喜欢你做......的方式/ I admire the way you do...... 我敬佩你做......的方式/ I’ve never seen such a...... 我还没有见到过如此的......./ What a nice coat you have!你的外衣很漂亮哦!/ You look very smart today!你今天看上去好神气哦!/ What a wonderful house!你的房子好漂亮哦!/ It matches your suit perfectly. 这和你的衣服很相配./ You‘ve certainly given us a very good lecture. 你的确给我们做了一场精彩的讲演./ You have a beautiful smile.你的笑真美. / You have a good sense of humour.你挺有幽默感的./ Your wife is beautiful. 你的妻子真漂亮./ You gave an excellent speech.你的演讲真精彩. / Your car is nice.你的车真漂亮. / This is a lovely dinner./The dinner is great.这顿饭真不错. / That’s a very nice suit you‘ve got on.你穿的衣服很漂亮. / That was a marvellous speech. 那是一场了不起的演讲./ You look wonderful this evening!你今晚看上去很不错!/ What a nice living room so comfortable!我很喜欢你的家具,你在哪儿买的?/ I appreciate your new car.我非常欣赏你的新车.(对朋友的精彩表演、杰出成绩,你若亲临现场,可直接为他大声喝彩)

Well done, Johnson!干得好,约翰逊!/ I‘m so happy for you!真为你感到高兴!/ It’s very well deserved!就该这样!/ You must be terribly pleased!你一定非常高兴吧!/ Aren‘t you very excited, Tom?汤姆,你一定很激动吧!

Oh, I‘m glad you like it. 哦,你喜欢,我真高兴./ I’m glad you think so. / I‘m delighted you think so. 你能这样认为我真高兴./ Oh, thank you.哦,谢谢!/How kind of you to say that. 你能那样说真好./ I’m glad to hear that.听到这我真高兴. / Thanks for saying so.谢谢你这样说.

十八 、约会的交际用语


Will you be free (tonight/ tomorrow/...)?你(今晚/明天 ...)有空吗?

肯定回答:Yes, I‘ll be free (tonight / tomorrow...).我(今晚/明天...)有空.

否定回答:No,I won‘t be free(tonight/ tomorrow...).不,(今晚/明天...)没有空.


I‘m afraid not. (I’m afraid I‘m not free tonight/tomorrow...).恐怕没有空.


What time shall we meet?我们什么时候会面呢?/Where is the best place to meet?我们最好在什么地方会面呢?/ How about 5 p.m./ tonight/ tomorrow...?下午五点(今晚/明天......)怎么样?/ What about (meeting) at the gate/ outside the station...?在大门口/在车站外边碰头怎么样?/Shall we meet at 7:30 p.m. at the gate ?我们下午七点半大门口碰头好吗?/ I‘ll meet you at the theatre at 7:30 p.m.我会在七点半在剧场见你./ I suggest 7 o’clock.我建议七点钟(碰头).



1、What‘s wrong/the matter(with)...?表示的意思是“你怎么啦?”、“你有什么不舒服?”、“出了什么毛病?”,用来询问对方的疾病、痛苦、忧伤、事故等情况,.句中的wrong作“失常的”、“状况不佳的”,matter作“麻烦事”、“毛病”、“故障,指病痛或事故的原因.”

What‘s wrong with...和What’s the matter with...?两个句子意思相同,可以互换.

2、Is there anything the matter?意思是“出了什么事吗?”、“有什么毛病吗”这个句子还可以简化为:anything the matter?

3、We are anxious/worried about...“be anxious/worried about”意思是“为(某人/某事)担心”,可用于各种时态,其中的be可用get代替(即“get anxious /worried about”)

4、There is no need to be worried.没有必要担心./ There is nothing to worry about.没有什么可以担心的.



I. 表示喜好

1、用I like /love sth./sb. 来表达.(表示“我不喜欢某人/某事”)

2、用I like/love to do sth./doing sth.来表达(表示“我为喜欢做某事”的意思)

注意:1)在 like后加上表示程度的词如:very much ,a lot, little,等

3、用I enjoy sth./doing sth.来表达.(表示“我喜欢/欣赏某事”的意思)

II. 表示厌恶

1、用I don‘t like (to).......来表达.(表示“我不喜欢某人/某事”的意思)

2、用I hate (to).......来表达(表示“我不喜欢某人/某事”的意思)

3、用.Idon‘t enjoy sth./doing sth来表达.(表示“我不喜欢某人/欣赏某事”的意思)

III. 表示偏爱

1、用I prefer A to B.来表达.( 表示“ 我喜欢A甚过喜欢B”的意思)2、用would rather do........来表达(表示“宁愿做........”的意思 )





