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2017-12-26 11:07:23张露祎老师

  A Student's Guide to Exam Stress

  As exam fever heats up, keep your cool with tips from our healthcorrespondent Dr Barry Lynch.

  Stress is difficult to define but most of us know it when we experience it.

  We may have mental symptoms: panic, feeling trapped or overwhelmed. Or theremay be physical symptoms: sweating palms, butterflies, headaches,breathlessness or sleeplessness.

  Stress can cause us to feel overwhelmed and powerless to tackle the verythings that are causing the stress in the first place. So make a carefullywritten plan and the problems will seem less overwhelming. Ticking off eachthing as you do it will help you feel there is light at the end of thetunnel.

  When you're writing your revision plan, make sure you include some time off— exactly an hour or whatever — before you go back to work. Look forwardto your time off and do something pleasant in it. Work out little treats andrewards for yourself as you tick off each thing on your plan. The treats canbe simple: an ice cream, half an hour listening to your personal stereo, orwalking the dog.

  Easier said than done, I know, but exercise is one of the best ways ofrelaxing: it's the natural way to deal with adrenaline and similar hormonesthat are rushing around your body. A walk will help; a quick swim or half anhour of tennis or another game is even better.

  Don't drink endless cups of tea or coffee: although caffeine is a stimulantit will eventually only make you tenser and nervous.

  Don't try to go without sleep — sleep is a natural way of relieving stress.

  Don't be tempted to use alcohol or other drugs to relieve stress. Theycreate more problems than they solve.

  correspondent 记者

  symptom 症状

  overwhelmed 紧张不安

  butterfly 神经质发抖

  adrenaline 肾上腺素

  hormone 激素











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